
Novosella Village
The opening of the Day Care Center for the Elderly in the village of Novoselle, municipality of Peja
Syri i Vizioni in cooperation with the Municipality of Peja…

Syri i Vizioni within the Age + program will carry…
About Syri i Vizionit
Think globally, Act locally
The organization ”Syri i Vizionit” officially registered as a local NGO in September 2001, started operating as early as 1999 as a Community-Based Organization (CBO) in the city of Pejë/Pec to coordinate the publication and release of a Youth Magazine in Kosovo, with the financial support of USAID. Since its inception, the NGO”Syri i Vizionit” has gained in professionalism through implementation of large spectrum of multi-faced projects, proving itself as a genuine Civil Society actor in Kosovo. Our activities are focused around follwing programes:
Years of Fundation
People Reached
Project Completed