Think Globally,
Act Locally


Istog – Online and Physical Services was the third workshop which was held today at the Center of Solidarity between Generations in the municipality of Istog

08.07.2024, In the municipality of Peja/Novoselle, an awareness session was held for the disease of…

Today, on 05.07.2024, a meeting was held at the day care center for the elderly…

Istog, 12.06.2024- Syri i Vizionit in cooperation with the Municipality of Istog has opened the…

Novoselle/Pejë, 05.06.2024- Syri i Vizioni in cooperation with the Municipality of Pejë has opened the…

May 23, 2024, Pejë – Syri i Vizioni in collaboration with MegArt YOGA Studio &…

Open Days Week in the Municipality of Peja Pejë, 20.05.2024 – Primary school students are…

Pejë, June 2, 2023 – On the occasion of marking June 1, International Children’s Day…

09.11.2022 This video shows a journey and challenging experience of Shkodran Ademaj, who is among…

09.11.2022 Qendrim Mujaj, who belongs to REA community, is one of 50 young people who…

09.11.2022 Sadmir Kiametović, a young man from the Bosnian community, is one of the 20…

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