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Sumbork pepper produced by the Remzije Bullaku farm is also sought after by restaurants

Pejë, July 29, – Remzije Bullaku, from the village of Bllagajë, municipality of Pejë, is one of the beneficiaries of the grant within the program “Women and persons with disabilities as agricultural entrepreneurs in Kosovo”, implemented by Syri Vizionit, financed by Austrian Development Agency (ADA) with funds from the Austrian Development Cooperation and co-financed by Brot für die Welt.
Remzija continues to cultivate the Subork pepper, thanks to the grant, this year she started selling sumborka a few months earlier, the quality and quality of organic sumborka is something that is much sought after by buyers, where apart from regular buyers, they have shown great interest and several restaurants in the municipality of Peja, where the pepper supplier is the farmer Remzije Bulllaku.
“Thanks to this grant, I have managed not only to increase the production of sumbork pepper, but also to bring it to the market almost two months at a time”, she even shows how the quality of the organic pepper that she cultivates has no problem with the market. where many customers go to her garden to buy.
What has made her even more motivating to continue cultivating suborka is the requests from businesses such as restaurants where she supplies four restaurants so far, and the requests keep increasing as she says” Those who have tried our pepper, it is impossible don’t order me not only for daily consumption but also for pickles’.
What made this farmers more special is the increase in the quality of subork pepper without changing the price, compared to other farmers who change the prices depending on the quantity or the season.
Today, Remzija, with her work, is also a good source of economic income for her family, even during the pepper picking season, she has engaged other people with daily wages, one of them with disabilities, to help in vomiting peppers.
The grant that Remzija won was a greenhouse together with the necessary agricultural equipment for work in agriculture, where besides Remzija there are also 27 other farmers, women and persons with disabilities from the municipalities of Pejë, Gjakovë, Istog and Rahovec, who have benefited from the program “Women and persons with disabilities as agricultural entrepreneurs in Kosovo”, implemented by Syri Vizionit, financed by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) with the funds of the Austrian Development Cooperation and co-financed by Brot für die Welt .
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