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100 school packages are distributed to the students of the “Martin Camaj” school in Istog

Media Release

Istog, September 13- The non-governmental organization Syri i Vizioni from Peja, in the municipality of Istog, today organized the distribution ceremony of one hundred (100) school packages for the students of the pre-primary, primary and lower secondary cycle of the “Martin Camaj” school. , in order to facilitate the education conditions for the children of the Roma, Egyptian and Ashkali communities of the villages of Serbobran and Gurrakoc, who also attend classes in this school.
Present at this ceremony were the Director of Education Mr. Hajrush Shoshi, who said that “These school packages are a help for us as DKA and the children themselves by providing primary conditions for regular and quality learning, helping the families of the Roma, Egyptian and Ashkali communities, in order that their children to be equal with other children, among other things, the director also appreciated and thanked the work that the Eye of Vision Organization with its partners is doing in these localities of the municipality of Istog.
On the other hand, the school director Mrs. Mimoza Kabashi has said that “These packages will affect the increase in the responsibility of children and families to follow regular lessons at school, and also easing the financial and economic situation of families. However, thanking Eye of Vision, at the same time, he appealed for such programs and such support to continue for these children, which are also welcome for the school, students and their families.
Veton Sylhasi from KFOS and Arbresha Demaj, program manager, have asked parents to support their children to educate and be regular in lessons, as according to them, the support of the learning center, the school and the DKA will not be lacking. better conditions and opportunities for learning are created for them.
The children and their families were the happiest in this ceremony as they managed to get their school materials in time, “I am very happy, because from today I, like my friends, will have all what I need for lessons, and I will not miss a single day at school”, said one of the students of this school.
“The work that organizations and schools are doing with our children in the learning center and these school materials are of great help to us, since we are one of the families returned from abroad, and everything we have started from scratch,” said Vizier Beqiraj , parent from the Egyptian community.
These school packages are part of the program “EU Support for the Implementation of the Strategy for the Integration of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian Communities 2 – Education for Integration” (called EU SIMRAES 2), which is a three-year project that has started to be implemented by Eye of Vision in partnership with KEC, in the Municipality of Istog and financially supported by the European Union and KFOS.a


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