Think Globally,
Act Locally

Advocacy campaign with the community in Ciga to identify and address the primary needs of families

Peja/December 19. Identifying, addressing and searching for opportunities to solve the primary needs of families – was the purpose of today’s advocacy meeting with the families of different communities of the village of Cige, the representative of the territorial community and the school teachers of this village, while this meeting concludes for this year the cycle of advocacy campaigns with the community.
It is worth noting that within the project “Integration and Empowerment Support for Roma, Egyptian and Ashkali returnees through the development of capacities in Primary Education in Kosovo” which is implemented by Syri i Vizioni and supported by GIZ, during 2018 are carried out 18 advocacy campaigns with the community through which more than 300 people were reached, mainly from the Roma, Egyptian and Ashkali communities. The general aim of these campaigns is to improve the opportunities and overall social and economic conditions of the communities living in the 6 localities in which the said project takes place, with special emphasis on the educational and learning aspects of children and their families. With the involvement of families, children, school teachers, officials of local institutions and representatives of civil society organizations, the main needs and problems of the social, educational and economic spheres of communities and primary schools of 6 different localities of the municipality of Peja, Klina and Istog, and as a result, various efforts and resources have been activated for their solution, first of all with the help of local and public institutions as well as other actors involved in this process.


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