Think Globally,
Act Locally

The workshop for the drafting of the action plan for the governing councils of the schools in Peja is held

Pejë 21 May – A one-day workshop was held with the management council of the two schools “Ramiz Sadiku” and “Xhemail Kada” in Pejë, to draw up an action plan for the early identification and prevention of violence against students at school.

This work plan will help the governing council of the school to undertake concrete actions in the school against the needs that arise in the early identification and prevention of any kind of violence in the school. Thus influencing the strengthening of the practical and friendly mechanisms that schools have, thus helping these educational institutions to be comfortable and safe environments for children.

These work plans were drawn up within the thematic program in the field of child protection and governance with children’s rights “Our Obligation to the Future – Protection of Children and Governance of Children’s Rights” which is implemented by the Eye of Vision organization , in partnership with Save the Children, office in Kosovo. Such work plans for school management councils will also be drawn up for primary and lower secondary schools in the municipalities of Prizren, Gjakovë, Klinë and Gjilan, where Eye of Vision and Save the Children office in Kosovo has been working for several years now in the early identification and prevention of violence in schools and the protection of children from violence and corporal punishment.


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