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The school-parent communication strategy for career guidance is approved

Prishtina, January 13, 2018- The school-parent e-communication strategy for career guidance for students of lower secondary education approved with the joint activities of institutions and organizations working in this sector, has been approved by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology. With the signature of the permanent secretary of the ministry, the document took the official form and with it the plan for its implementation in the three-year pilot period until its final implementation.

The strategy is the first document that outlines the role and commitment of parents in supporting their children for their career choices and refers to students in grades 6-9 in their decisions about their education and further career.

Its drafting was made possible by the financial support of the ProKarreiera project from Syri i Vizioni and SolidarSuisse and the EYE project from Helvetas, which have helped the Ministry of Education. Syri i Vizioni has been an active member in this working group that designed the workshop and enabled its operation of this working group, supplying the materials, research, work tools and experience of two projects implemented in the past six years in the region of Peja: Mismatch and ProKarriera. In addition, career guidance teachers trained by the Mismatch project also contributed to the work of the focus groups that helped the work of the MEST working group.

In 2018, the school-parent communication strategy for career guidance for secondary education students in Tule is being piloted in seven secondary schools in Kosovo: Zekiria Rexha in Gjakovë; Thimi Mitko in Gjilan; Connection of Prizren to Peja; Dardania in Pristina; Abdyl Frasheri in Prizren; Tefik Çanga in Ferizaj; SHMU – 2 in Vushtrri, in which the meetings organized with parents of the 9th grades will be held, while in 2019 it will continue with 7 additional schools, during 2020 the piloting will be extended to 21 schools, from three in each region, and after that, such activities will be extended to all secondary and lower primary schools in Kosovo.

The ProCareer Project from the Eyes of the Vision will financially and expertly support the Ministry of Education in maintaining the piloting activities of this strategy.


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