Think Globally,
Act Locally

Durrës, October 31 – The Parliamentary Commission for Human Rights, Gender Equality, Missing Persons and Petitions is holding a workshop on the child protection law, which workshop was supported by Eye of Vision.
In this workshop, Syri i Vizioni has presented the recommendations from the previous workshop held with municipal officials so that their recommendations can be incorporated into this law to become a practical and easily applicable law in the field.
The purpose of this multi-stakeholder workshop is to incorporate comments and suggestions from interest groups and those comments from the first reading in parliament, thus giving it a final form to then proceed to a second reading in parliament.
In this workshop, in addition to the parliamentary committee responsible for finalizing this law, the Prime Minister’s Legal Office, the Office for Good Governance, the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, the Ombudsman, the Center for Social Work from the Municipality of Pristina, the organizations that work in the field of protection and children’s rights Save the Children, UNICEF and KOMF.
This workshop was organized by the Parliamentary Commission for Human Rights, Gender Equality, Missing Persons and Petitions supported by Eye of Vision within the program “Together for the rights of children”, that Eye of Vision is now implementing several years in several municipalities of Kosovo in partnership with Save the Children.


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