Think Globally,
Act Locally

Pejë, January 29 – The Non-Governmental Organization Syri i Vizioni held the workshop “Drafting the 1-3 year work plan” which aimed at planning the joint work of the Office for Gender Equality, women assembly members, women members of local councils and organizations non-governmental organization of women, which was organized within the project for the development of active citizenship in Kosovo.

In this workshop, we worked on three important topics for the position of women, such as: health, economy and decision-making, where some activities are planned that can be undertaken with the cooperation of these groups.

The workshop was organized within the “Active Citizenship” program, which has been implemented for several years now by the NGO “Syri i Vizioni” with support from the Olof Palme International Center and SIDA and focuses on the municipalities of the regions of Peja and Prizren.


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