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Press release: “The Week Against Violence Against Children” was launched

Press release

Week against violence against children

The non-governmental organization Syri i Vizioni from Peja, in partnership with the organization Save the Children, on Sunday started the “Week against violence against children”, which aims to raise awareness and coordinate institutions, parents and the whole society in protecting children from violence and improving their situation in Kosovo.
In a media conference held on Sunday in Pristina, representatives of the organization Syri i Vizioni have marked the beginning of activities that for a week will draw attention to violence against children and the commitment to its reduction in Kosovar society.
Naser Lajçi, manager of the “Together for children’s rights” project, said that the campaign aims to draw the attention of Kosovar institutions to the need for greater commitment to prevent violence against children, also seeking better coordination. between institutions and operationalization of the existing mechanisms that Kosovo laws provide for the protection of children.
Activities take place from October 19 to 25, 2014, while hundreds of Kosovo school students, teachers and institutions responsible for the protection of children’s rights at the local and central level will participate in these activities. As part of the “Week against violence against children” there will be visits to institutions for the protection of children’s rights, debates between actors at the local level and a conference on dealing with the situation in this sector, as well as activities that will mobilize students in ten schools. for dealing with the topic of protection from violence.
The week against violence is organized within the project “Together for children’s rights”, implemented by the NGO Syri i Vizioni in partnership with Save the Children in several municipalities of Kosovo.

Pristina, October 19, 2014

NGO “Eye of Vision”

For more information:
Naser Lajqi, project manager
Phone: 044 695 650


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