Think Globally,
Act Locally

Pristina, September 11- Children are often victims of bullying by their peers, teachers or people older than them. Very often they do not know where to address this disturbing phenomenon, which can happen in school premises, on the street, and even in the family. Regarding this, the Eye of Vision organization in partnership with Save the Children held a training session with the group of children and representatives of the governing council of the primary and lower secondary school “Naim Frasheri” in Pristina.
The children and the representatives of the school’s governing council have learned about the topic: “Bullying and the Protection of Children from Them”, getting to know more widely the types of bullying, the most frequent forms and ways of bullying, the consequences and impact of bullying on children as well as for the preventive measures of bullying, both by the school management and by other governmental and non-governmental institutions.
During this training, the children have shown different cases of bullying that happened to them or that they heard could have happened to their peers in their school or even outside of school. Divided into groups, they have listed their concerns regarding bullying by other children or even by adults.
This training was held in the framework of the “Child Protection” program, where the organization Syri i Vizioni in partnership with Save the Children is carrying out in five municipalities of Kosovo, including the municipality of Pristina, through direct work and activities with children and school management. primary and lower secondary “Naim Frasheri” and “Ismail Qemali” as well as the institutions responsible for the rights and protection of children.


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