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The conference “Drafting policies for agriculture and rural development in Kosovo” is held

Pristina April 30, 2014 – The non-governmental organization Syri i Vizioni in cooperation with the Initiative for the Development of Agriculture in Kosovo IADK, within the project “Strengthening the capacity of civil society for policy-making and consultation with the Government in the agricultural sector”, financed by the Union European. They held the conference “Drafting policies for agriculture and rural development in Kosovo” at the central level, where the aim was to encourage and promote dialogue and cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development (MAFPHR), the Union of Agricultural Associations of Kosovo (BSHBK) and other actors.

Also in this conference, the Plan for Rural and Agricultural Development (RDP) of Kosovo 2014-2020 of the Government of Kosovo was presented, where the participants were informed about this development plan for agriculture.

Dukagjin Nishiqi, project manager from the organization Syri i Vizioni, has shown that within the framework of this project, 5 workshops were held in the five regions of Kosovo, where, with the engagement of an expert, the problems and specifics of different regions of Kosovo were identified, as well as a conference was held at the national level for the presentation of the findings and the addressing of recommendations for institutions and other actors. Also during this period, the BSHBK website was created, which is, which is active, and it contains information about the work of the BSHBK and important information for farmers. In order to increase the capacities of the BSHBK board members, a study visit was made to the state of Bulgaria, and companies, farmers’ organizations and government institutions were visited, in order to gain experience from a Balkan state that is part of the European Union. . With the participation of farmers’ organizations, individual farmers and the Directorate of Agriculture and Economic Development in the municipality of Peja, a workshop was organized in the municipality of Peja as a pilot municipality, where the purpose of this workshop was to improve the practices/procedures of the scheme for the application of grants and subsidies at the local level, as well as the drafting of a model document with practices/procedures and the scheme for the application of subsidies and grants at the local level.

Meanwhile, Zenel Bunjaku, the executive director of IADK, has thanked the EU office in Kosovo for the support it is giving to the agricultural sector and also the Ministry of Agriculture for supporting this sector with the increase in the budget and investments in this sector. as well as the drafting of the 2014-2020 agriculture development plan.

Officials of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development have pledged to support farmers and increase the budget and capital investments in support of the development of agriculture in Kosovo and farmers.
Shqipe Dema, from MAFRD, said that “the Ministry has been open and has tried to include all stakeholders so that this strategy is more comprehensive, and that this strategy is not a closed document, it can be completed and changed She also encouraged those present to give their contribution to have an implemented strategy that promotes the development of agriculture in Kosovo.

On the other hand, Mihai Constantinescu – consultant from Romania, has presented the experiences of the Romanian state in the drafting of agricultural policies before and after the membership in the European Union, he has shown that the Romanian state raised the fund for agriculture after the membership in the European Union for 7 times more a lot. Reaching the amount of 1 billion euros, so that farmers can face free trade in the European Union.
He also emphasized that support for farmers has been a challenge for the Romanian state, since 50% of farmers have been small farmers, who have survived with great difficulty, and that many farms have been closed.

As for the role of civil society in the drafting of agricultural policies in Kosovo, Agim Sahiti from BSHBK, said that “The Union of Agricultural Associations of Kosovo is a new organization of civil society in the agricultural sector of Kosovo, and that during this period the members of this network are holding trainings and drawing up action strategies” He called on the Ministry of Agriculture to count them as partners in the drafting of agricultural policies, since in BSHBK the majority of agricultural sectors which are organized at the national level and two of them at the regional level.

At this conference, there were 62 participants with representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, representatives from various municipalities of Kosovo, representatives from various local and international associations, and board members from BSHBK.

After the presentations, the participants addressed suggestions for changes in the strategy for the development of agriculture 2014-2020.

• In the wheat sector, the support per farmer should be changed from 15 hectares, which is in the strategy, to 10 hectares.
• The grain processing sector should be introduced as part of the support.
• To adjust the documents/applications for subsidies and grants from the agency for agricultural development.
• To support study visits for farmers in the countries of the region and the European Union.
• In addition, more monitoring visits to farmers who apply for grants and subsidies to the Ministry of Agriculture, these visits should be carried out before receiving the grant and after its implementation.
• To support more projects in the regulation of river beds, in this way more farmers benefit.
• In the wine sector, to lobby for the increase of the quota for export to the European Union, from the 2,000 liters that is currently allowed, to increase to a minimum of 5,000 liters.

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