Think Globally,
Act Locally

Institutions ready to work on preventing violence in schools and increasing public safety for children

Gjakovë, July 03 – The non-governmental organization “Syri i Vizioni” held a working meeting with local institutions for the rights and safety of children in primary and lower secondary schools in the Municipality of Gjakovë. In this working meeting, the carrying of cold weapons and firearms in schools by children (students) was discussed, as well as the increase in traffic safety where children are often at risk when coming to school and returning home.

These themes emerged from a research that was done by the children themselves (students) of elementary and lower secondary schools “Zekeria Rexha” and “Mustafa Bakija” and their peers. The research of the children was done within the project “Together 4 children rights – Child Protection”, that the organization Syri i Vizioni in partnership with the organization Save the Children are implementing in five municipalities of Kosovo, namely in ten primary and lower secondary schools .

Those present at this meeting have pledged to increase the coordination of joint action in the drafting of a joint action plan and have thanked the Eye of Vision organization and Save the Children for the support they are providing in increasing the safety of children at school. According to them, institutions should act to do much more to increase the safety of children inside and outside school buildings.

At the end of the meeting, some recommendations were made that will help the institutions in drafting an action plan, a letter of recommendation will also be drawn up with these recommendations that will be submitted to the Directorate of Education and other responsible institutions that were part of this meeting and that operate in the municipality of Gjakova.


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