Think Globally,
Act Locally

September 27, Klinë – The Non-Governmental Organization Syri i Vizioni has started supporting the initiative of the women of the village of Dugujevë in the municipality of Klinë, which aims to empower them and take an active role in society by being part of the decision-making institutions where women’s issues are dealt with.
Initially, several trainings were held with the group of women of this village and the surrounding villages, which aim to increase their awareness on reproductive health, since most of them have a lack of information on reproductive health. After the training, this focus group will have meetings with institutional officials, such as the Office for Gender Equality and the Office for Information in the Municipality of Klina, which are led by women to get to know more about the work of this institution and the role of women within this institution. .
There will also be a visit by the group of women from the village of Dugujevë and the surrounding villages in the Municipality of Klina, where they will get to know more closely the work of the Municipal Assembly and the work that this institution has done in the development and empowerment of women in this municipality. , and especially women in rural areas.
This project aims to raise the awareness of women in rural areas and their active participation in institutional life with a special emphasis on the inclusion of women in public institutional life, this project was created by the women of the village of Dugujevë, supported by the NGO Syri i Vizioni. , within the “Active Citizenship” program financially supported by Olof Plame International Center and SIDA.

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