Think Globally,
Act Locally

November 13-16, 2013 – The Eye of Vision organization, within the framework of the project “Strengthening the capacity of civil society for policy-making and consultation with the Government in the agricultural sector”, financed by the European Union, has organized a study visit to Bulgaria with representatives of board of the Union of Agricultural Associations of Kosovo.

During this study visit we visited fodder plant production companies, meat growing and processing companies, renewable and solar energy production companies, poultry and meat processing farms, representatives of the association that deals with the promotion of Bulgarian products abroad and representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture.
From these visits and meetings, experiences were exchanged on how a state that is a member of the European Union has faced the improvement and fulfillment of standards in the food and agriculture industry, the challenges that have been faced, the support that farmers have from the state and the European Union and the possibilities of cooperation between these companies and BSHBK. 5 members of the BSHBK board participated in this study visit, who learned from new experiences and sought opportunities to implement them in the organization


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