Think Globally,
Act Locally

Pejë, November 26 – The non-governmental organization Syri i Vizioni within the project “Active Citizenship” continues to support and empower the mayors of the local communities Rugovë (Pejë), Isniq (Deçan), Vrellë (Istog), Grabanicë (Klinë) and Xerxë ( Rahovec).
In the next meeting held with these leaders, the problems faced by their community were discussed, as well as their commitment as heads of those villages or neighborhoods in timely addressing of various requests, projects or complaints to the municipal institutions. According to them, some of the requests that have been addressed by them to the institutions have found support and for many others there is still no answer.
Also, those present at this meeting assessed that even they themselves, as leaders or representatives of the villages, are not very active and agreed that they should be much more active to address their problems from time to time in the respective institutions as well as for demanded from them more responsibility in solving the problems faced by their local communities.
Also, in this joint meeting with the heads of the local communities of the four municipalities of the Dukagjin Plain, it was requested that a better coordination be made with each other and that they help each other when it comes to solving any problem that is in the interest of general even though it may be for a certain village or neighborhood, as well as to exchange their work experiences as a model for better addressing problems towards institutions.
Such activities with heads of local communities will continue until the end of this year so that their role is more active in decision-making processes related to investments in improving living conditions in the areas where they live and operate.


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