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The strategy for the Roma, Egyptian and Ashkali community in Deçan is published

January 24, 2012- The 2012-1014 action strategy was published in Deçan, this three-year strategy for the Roma, Egyptian and Ashkali communities, which was drafted by the organization “Syri i Vizioni” supported by the Olof Palme International Center.

The ceremony was held at the premises of the Swiss Hotel in Deçan, where municipal officials, community representatives, the OSCE, the LMT and the media participated. Municipal officials, specifically the Office for Communities, have evaluated this strategy as a very important document for municipal institutions and the community itself. According to Nezir Balaj from the office for communities, “Such a strategy has been missing from the municipality of Deçan, and now this document will help us as an office and the municipality in supporting the community, so that the development projects for the community that are in this strategy are introduced in the municipality’s investment priorities for the coming years”.

The ceremony was also the closing activity of the one-year project implemented by Syri i Vizioni in the municipality of Deçan, where copies of the three-year Strategy for the Roma, Egyptian and Ashkali communities were also distributed.

With the project in Deçan, the four-year project of drafting strategies for the Serbian community and for the Roma, Egyptian and Ashkali communities in the municipalities of Pejë, Klinë, Istog, Deçan and Rahovec has been completed, during which, in addition to nine strategies in five municipalities, around 35 mini grants with initiatives from focus groups and NGOs and communities in this region.


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