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Realization of business plans for the winners of the competition for business plans in Prizren and Gjakovë

Press release

The results of the implementation of business plans by the winning organizations of the competition for the best business plans in the region of Prizren and Gjakova

Gjakova, December 22, 2011
The non-governmental organizations Syri i Vizioni from Peja together with the Swiss organization SOLIDAR Suisse on Thursday in Gjakova have organized the meeting to evaluate the achievements of the winners of the competition “Rural Perspective” for the best business plan for Prizren and Gjakova in 2010. The achievements of the three to the winning farming organizations: the “Krusha” cooperative, the women’s farming organization “Krusha e majlo” from Prizren and “Saturn” from Gjakova who had won this competition organized by Syri i Vizioni with SOLIDAR Suisse. Their achievements, the development of their business and the implementation of the plans presented two years ago, were presented on Friday in Gjakova at the “Çarshija e Jupave” restaurant.
The first project, according to Fahrije Hoti from this organization of Krusha e Madhe, with the funds of this project has started the production line of ajvar, a project that was later supported by other donors such as USIAD, the Ministry of Agriculture, etc. Hoti said that the organization gathers 25 female farmers and their product has been well received in the market.
The second project was developed by the women of Kruša e Vogël for the collection of milk in the region of Has. The representative of this organization, Dile Prenkpalaj, said that a milk collection point was opened from this project, where 600 liters of milk per day are collected from 20 farmers and delivered to the dairy “Abi”.
The beneficiaries of the third project, Saturni from Gjakovë, have presented their achievement in the development of capacities for the production of apples through the installation of “point to point” irrigation. Pjetur Frrokaj has said that this has increased the productivity and quality of apples.
“Rural perspective” is a project that has been implemented in Kosovo since 2008 by the Eye of the Vision organization and Solidar Suisse and aims to develop the agricultural sector in Kosovo, support farmer organizations and encourage them to compete with new ideas, to develop their capacities and to adapt and plan in accordance with the needs of the market. Support for projects has a value of 10 thousand euros for each project. The selection of the projects was made by an external jury made up of representatives of local governments in three municipalities, banks, business and civil society, passing the evaluation through two stages, first with the evaluation of the idea and the project, the presentation of the project before the jury that made appreciation also for the way they have presented their business project” says Suzana Baja, coordinator of Solidar Suisse pwr Kosovwn.
The “Rural Perspective” project has also helped farmers’ associations with workshops to identify the idea, develop the business plan and present it in the best form before the jury.
The support of farmers through the “Rural Perspective” project in the Dukagjin region is taking place for the second time this year. In 2008, other projects of five farmers’ organizations were supported in the region of Peja.


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