Think Globally,
Act Locally

Peja- September 27- With the motto “Every day is a day of peace” today in the city of Peja an activity was organized with the students of the Primary School “Xhemal Kada”. Through the drawings, these students have expressed their vision of peace, what peace means to them and how it is symbolized; they have expressed this in the best possible way through the many drawings they have made in the city center.

This event was organized by the organization Care International and ProPeace in cooperation with the organization Kosovar Group for the prevention of conflict and in partnership with the local NGO Syri i Vizioni from Peja, which is a member of the Pro Peace network, which has been implementing the project for two years now. for conflict prevention in Kosovo with support from the European Commission.

The purpose of this activity was to show everyone who lives in Kosovo and everywhere else that not only one day is a day that should be dedicated to peace, but every day is a day of peace. The drawings made by the students of the primary school “Xhemail Kada” in Peja will be sent to the European Commission, which is also a supporter of this activity.

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