Think Globally,
Act Locally

With the motto “My right, your obligation!”, the Children’s Municipal Assembly (AKF) in Peja, supported by the organizations Syri i Vizioni and Save the Children, marked November 20, International Children’s Day.

In the context of this Day, a session of AKF was held where the new chairman and chairmanship were elected. The Chairman of the Municipal Assembly of Peja, Rexhep Kurtbogaj and the Director of Social Welfare in the Municipality of Peja, Albulena Mujaj-Bajraktaraj, as well as Arbresha Tufaj and Qendrim Sheremeti from the Police took part in this meeting.

They pledged to the children that they will be their supporters and voice at all times, encouraging them to speak up and report whenever their rights and those of their peers are violated.

After the end of the meeting of the Municipal Assembly, the assembly children carried out a symbolic activity in the center of the city, where the installation of umbrellas with the motto “My right, your obligation!” was placed.

Through this campaign, the children have asked to increase the responsibility of the institutions and the whole society. They also asked for more to be done by providing you with conditions and opportunities to enjoy their rights and improve their position in Kosovar society.

Part of this campaign were children with disabilities from local organizations that work and provide services for them, such as the organizations – “Center for Independent Life”, “Pema” and “Hands Full of Mercy”.

This activity is held within the framework of the program in the field of children’s protection and governance with their rights “Our Obligation to the Future – Protection of Children and Governance of Children’s Rights” which is implemented by the Eye of Vision organization in partnership with Save the Children, office in Kosovo, and is funded by the Swedish International Development Agency.


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