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Businesses sign agreements with the School of Economics for professional practice

Pejë, November 27- The economic high school and the hotel and tourism businesses in Pejë have expressed their interest in cooperating in creating the best conditions for the development of professional practice for the students of this school. The meeting organized within the framework of the Mismatch project by the organization Syri i Vizioni had the purpose of creating conditions for better cooperation between the Economic High School and the businesses of Peja for students in the areas of hospitality and tourism. Conditions have been created for these students to engage as interns in the businesses of the municipality, while at the meeting the School was handed 20 agreements reached by the SiV with hotel businesses and tourism organizations, which have signed for the readiness for cooperation with the school.

The representatives of the school have said that there is a need to have a permanent system of cooperation with businesses of mutual interest, while the representatives of the businesses have expressed their demands regarding the engagement of interns. Other issues that were discussed were the transportation of students, education of women for tourism, monitoring of students’ internships, completion of documentation by business owners for interns, cooperation with the Municipality and other coordination of work between school and business.
The “Mismatch” project has been developing for four years in Kosovo with funding from Solidar Suisse and aims to adapt vocational schools to the labor market.


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