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Businesses willing to pay double fees if Wastewater treatment and processing is done

Peja, July 4 – The non-governmental organization “Syri i Vizioni” in partnership with the organization “Erns Basler+Partner” held a working meeting with the various businesses operating in the municipality of Peja. In this meeting, the importance and necessity of wastewater treatment was discussed, as well as the health and environmental consequences faced by the residents of the municipality of Peja from the raw discharge of wastewater into the Bardh River. It was also discussed about the satisfaction or dissatisfaction of businesses on the services provided by the water company “KUR Hidrodrini” as well as the expectations they have from this company and the willingness of these businesses to pay for the improvement of services and the processing of waste water. .

Business representatives have assessed the collection and processing of waste water as very necessary, and have expressed their willingness to pay double the billing if a factory is built for the collection and processing of waste water. They have also expressed their dissatisfaction with the services provided by the company “KUR Hidrodrini”.

According to them, Hiro-Drin’s services should be improved and citizens should be made aware of the burden of drinking water and waste water treatment.

Today’s meeting was held within the Feasibility Study project for the sewage treatment plant in Peje, which the organization “Erns Basler+Partner” in partnership with the organization “Syri i Vizionit” are implementing to research the readiness and the interest of citizens, businesses and industries in the treatment of waste water and its aggravation.

Present at this meeting were representatives of large and medium-sized businesses of various profiles and expressed the benefits and problems they face as businesses every day. They also congratulated the organizations for the organization and initiative taken on a very important issue.

At the end of the meeting, some recommendations were made that will help the organization’s research, which will be submitted to the donors for the construction of the wastewater treatment plant.


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