Think Globally,
Act Locally

Press release
Call from Peja: Celebrate without danger, celebrate without weapons

Peja, December 31-
On the last day of the year and a few hours before the change of weather, “Syri i Vizioni” has supported the initiative of the family members of the late Shpresa Kastrati-Fetahaj, who was shot by a blind bullet in the backyard of her house, while she was celebrating with her family members. New Year.
The call of this family: “Last year it was our sister, this year it could be your sister”, became the motto of the call that was made against the use of weapons during the celebration of the change of seasons, with which the citizens of Peja were invited to together give the message for celebrations without shooting.
Also sensitized by the continuous appeals made by the Eye of Vision and the activists of our organization on social networks, a large number of citizens have come to the central square of Peja to carry this message.
Their call has been to have quiet and family celebrations, without shootings and without risks. They crossed the streets of Peja from the “Haxhi Zeka” university, where the deceased was a student, to the center of Peja, holding placards with messages against the use of weapons at parties. “O you who shot with a gun. Your bullet killed Hope. What about you, doesn’t your conscience kill you?”, was one of these banners.
Bleona Kastrati, the sister of the late Shpresa Kastrati Fetahaj, said that this year they are also celebrating their sister Shpresa, but with this activity they are drawing everyone’s attention, so that their case never happens to anyone again.
Injuries from weapons and pyrotechnic tools have not been few during the past years in Peja and Kosovo, therefore the protesters have made the call, wishing that the cases where someone’s joy ends with another’s pain will never happen again.

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