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Act Locally

Campaign to mark the International Day of the Convention on the Rights of the Child

Campaign to mark the international day of the Convention on the Rights of the Child


Press release

Date: November 19 – The non-governmental organization Syri i Vizioni from Peja, in partnership with the organization Save the Children, has launched the campaign to mark the international day for children’s rights.

The goal of this campaign was for children to raise their voices in respect and protection of their rights in Kosovo. The campaign was carried out within the project “Governance with children’s rights” which is carried out by the partner organizations “Syri i Vizioni” and “Save the Children Kosovo”.

These activities were held as part of the campaign
• Activities with children with special needs and the municipal assembly of children to mark the international day of the Convention (Painting, recital, exhibition, and distribution of brochures of the Convention).
• Realization of the Drama in the theater in order to convey the message about children’s rights.
• Realism and the selection of the best Essays on the topic November 20, the day of the convention, “Ismet Raci” Klinë school.
• Realization of the quiz with a theme for November 20, the day of the convention, conference hall, municipality of Klina
• Lecture on the topic of November 20, the day of the convention, as well as the distribution of the convention in schools and the city
• Distribution of brochures and lectures about the convention in primary and lower secondary schools in the rural areas of Kciq, Shale, Kushtovo
• March from the city center to the municipality, conveying the message to municipal institutions for not supporting children’s rights. Then from there together all the children will stop in the town square to mark free activities for the day of the convention. Recitals, paintings, dramas, etc.
• Training in primary and lower secondary schools on the United Nations convention on children’s rights.
• The opening of the exhibition with the works of the students of the lower secondary schools of the municipality of Gjakova, with the theme “My rights”.
• Realization of the debate with the institutions mandated to protect children’s rights and the Gjakovë children’s municipal assembly.
• Distribution of brochures of the Convention to children of lower secondary schools.
• Lectures in lower secondary schools on the convention of children’s rights.
• Visit to children in attached classes with special needs – SHFMU “Rexhep Elmazi”.
• Lecture on the Convention in Gjilan primary and lower secondary schools.
• Activities with children with special needs and the municipal assembly of children to mark the international day of the Convention (Painting, recital, exhibition and distribution of brochures of the Convention).

The campaign was developed in cooperation with the officials for children’s rights in the municipalities: Pristina, Gjilan, Ferizaj, Mitrovica, Gjakovë, Klinë and Pejë.

The campaign involved hundreds of students from lower secondary schools in these 7 municipalities, who, through their creative and sensitizing activities, drew the attention of citizens and institutions to the rights of children in Kosovo.

“In five days, we have conveyed the message to institutions and citizens about discrimination and non-involvement of citizens in decision-making. We think that children should be more involved in qualitative decision-making in Kosovo, therefore we are empowering children to raise their voices, as well as creating mechanisms for the protection of children’s rights. Our activity will continue with the monitoring and publication of cases of non-implementation of the convention on children’s rights in Kosovo,” says Vlora Latifi, project coordinator from the NGO Syri i Vizionit.

Eye of the Vizon and Save the Children for years within the project “Governance with children’s rights” have been supporting the empowerment of children’s municipal assemblies in the municipalities of Pristina, Gjilan, Ferizaj, Mitrovica, Gjakovë, Klinë and Pejë.

November 2016

NGO “Eye of Vision”

For more information:
Vlora Latifi
Phone: 044 143 098


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