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Career counseling for pilot schools of the new curriculum in Kosovo

Pristina March 18- The workshop was held on the implementation of career counseling and orientation for teachers in the schools where the new curriculum is implemented. This workshop was carried out by Syri i Vizioni within the ProKarriera project in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science and Technology with the support of Solidar Suisse Kosova. The workshop was aimed at imparting knowledge about the teaching methodology and assessment of student achievements, as well as the methodological and practical aspects of planning for the implementation of the “Career Orientation” module, which is held within the “Life and Work” curricular field. Primary education teachers from 82 schools in Kosovo participated in the workshop. The experiences created by the Mismatch 2011-2016 project regarding career counseling and guidance in primary education at the municipal level of the Dukagjin region have also been transferred to them.

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