Think Globally,
Act Locally

Civil society addresses the three ministries and the Municipality of Peja regarding the school for the blind

Press release

Pejë, July 24- We inform you that the group of 52 Kosovar organizations today sent you a request to the ministers of the three Kosovar ministries: Mr. Mahir Yagcilar in the Ministry of Public Administration; Mr. Skender Recica, in the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, Mr. Abelard Tahiri in the Ministry of Justice and the mayor of the Municipality of Peja, Mr. Gazmend Muhaxheri, regarding the announced demolition of the Xheladin Deda CBMK facility (school for the blind) in Peja.
We addressed three requests to these institutions:
1. Informing the public fully, providing all the documentation related to the demolition plan of the building, in order to achieve full transparency and the public is equipped with the right information to create a fair judgment for this whole process.
2. Immediate cancellation of the memorandum and finding another location for the construction of the Basic Court in Peja.
3. The start of an investment program in this important object, in order to preserve the architecture of the object that has a special value for the city of Peja, but also to further develop the professional services offered in this institution.

We also inform you that the initiating group consisting of the NGO Syri i Vizioni, the Association of the Blind of Kosovo and the CBMK Xheladin Deda have not yet been informed of the content and have not received a copy of the memorandum of the three ministries with the municipality of Peja, which envisages the demolition of the building , even though we addressed the requests to them both officially and publicly.
The group of organizations that oppose the demolition of the building informs that, with this request to the ministries, the next step in their opposition has been completed, while the actions will not stop until the final decision on the cancellation of the memorandum between the ministries and the Municipality of Peja and the realization of complete transparency.
We ask for your support with the conviction that together we can do more in our cause: for construction and against destruction.

The Initiating Group consisting of:
1. Eye of Vision
2. Association of the Blind of Kosovo
3. QBMK “Xheladin Deda”

With support from:
5. I walk differently
6. Lumbardhi Foundation
7. Kosovo Women’s Network
9. Into the Park
10. Gaia Kosovo
11. KDI
12. Kosovo Disability Forum
13. Association of journalists of Peja
14. Anibar
15. DokuFest
16. KCSF
17. CBMK “Mother Teresa” Mitrovica
18. ATRC
19. Committee of blind women of Kosovo
20. Evolution Dance
21. Durmish
22. Kosovo Initiative for Stability – IKS
23. NGO Labyrinth
24. CDF
25. QBMK “Progress”
26. Institute for Development Policy (INDEP)
27. Agency for Sustainable Regional Development
28. Verse and Vi
29. Albanian Numismatic Association “Demastion”
30. Trentino con il Kossovo
31. Let’s Do It Peja
32. QBMK Lef Nosi
33. Center for the Development of Social Groups – CSGD
34. Cultural heritage without borders, CHWB Kosovo
35. The ngo Frabaac
36. 7 Arts
37. CBMK Mother Teresa, Prizren
39. Seventeen Foundation – 17
40. Chohu Organization
41. Lda Kosovo
42. Center for Policy and Advocacy – QPA
43. Youth Initiative for Human Rights – Kosovo
44. Association “September 7”
46. ​​Union of Social Workers of Kosovo
47. Today Towards Future
48. Kosovo Architecture Foundation
49. DoCoMoMo Kosovo
50. NGO RITU- Termokiss
52. Kosovo Association of the Deaf

Although the document is addressed in the name of 52 organizations, the number of supporting organizations during the day continues to grow.


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