Think Globally,
Act Locally

Rahovec-December 3, 2011 The heads of the local council of Xerxa ​​of Rahovec complain that the projects that the municipality of Rahovec had promised to realize in 2012 were not realized, some started and remained in half, some others have not even started, according to them the delay of non-realization of these projects from the municipality’s side was the lack of the municipality’s budget. This was said in the joint meeting with the mayors of the villages of Xerxë, Forteşe, Poteqan i Ulët and Sapniq that make up the council of the local community of Xerxë in the municipality of Rahovec.
According to the mayors of these villages, dozens of requests have been addressed to the municipality, although some of them have been fulfilled, but a large number of their requests, even though they had to be completed within this year, have not yet been completed, such as the sewage network of black, electrification and the electrical network as well as the cubing of some roads. However, the project that has been completed more successfully is the regulation of the river that passes through the center of the village of Forte, that previously during the rainy season this river caused numerous floods in this village and other villages.
The joint meeting with the heads of the villages of the local community of Xerxa ​​is part of the activities that the Non-Governmental Organization Syri i Vizioni is carrying out the “Active Citizenship” project supported by the Olof Palme International Center from Sweden, which aims to empower citizens in addressing and solving of the problems they face every day in the settlements where they live.


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