Think Globally,
Act Locally

Prizren November 20- With the motto “I want to be part of Kosovo” a debate was held with young people who have returned from Western countries from the Roma, Egyptian and Ashkali communities from the municipality of Gjakova and Prizren. The purpose of this debate was to support the integration of young people who have returned from European countries to Kosovo. The participants in the debate said that since their return, most of the young people of this community feel isolated due to difficult economic conditions, the inability to communicate in the Albanian or Roma language with their peers in Kosovo, since many of they were born and raised in western countries.
The project “I want to be part of Kosovo” is implemented by the community organization Initiative for Action from Gjakova, supported by the non-governmental organization Syri i Vizioni from Peja, within the project for community empowerment, financially supported by the Olof Palme Center from Sweden.


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