Think Globally,
Act Locally

Schedule of Events for Drin Day 17 May 2014

Draft Agenda

09:00 – 09:30 Gathering of participants and opening of the event in the center of Peja city

09:30-17:00 Fair with awareness materials about the Drin river basin and environmental issues from tourism offices and non-governmental organizations from the cities of Pejë, Gjakovë, Prizren, Deçan, Junik, Istog and Klinë, as well as traditional local foods.

10:00 – 10:30 Moderator: Janet Syka

Welcome words:

 Veton Mujaj, NGO “Syri i Vizioni”
 Gazmend Muhaxheri – Mayor of Pejë Municipality

Occasional speeches

11: 00 – 17:00 Cultural – Artistic Program

11:00 – 17:00 SPSR “Trout”

 Cleaning of nature near the river
 Releasing fish in two different locations of the river

11:00 – 17:00 Let’s Do It Peja
 Lecture at the Hydrometeorological Institute in Peja
 Lecture at the Radavci Hydropower Plant
 Walk by the river to the source of Drini Bardhë
 Sampling and testing of water at the source of Drini Bardhë
 Lecture at the Water Distribution Center (Hydrodrini)

11:00 – 17:00 Spiders of Peja

 Group I – Walking in the Shushica canyon and visiting the waterfall
 Group II – Introduction to climbing equipment and rock climbing at the 5th km

11:00 – 17:00 Rugova Experience
 Exhibition of photos, essays, paintings and distribution of prizes for the first 3 places in photos, essays and paintings.
11:00 – 17:00 ERA
 Awareness-raising documentary film on the importance of water and the variety of biodiversity.
 Walking along the green path and reaching the Lumëbardhi resort (at Sharra)
 Practical activities with children on the course of Lumëbardhi, exploitation, pollution.
 Practical activities with children, evidence of the water quality of the Drin (practical activities through field samples and laboratory, children’s laboratory), the habitats of the White Drin/Flora and Fauna (insects, butterflies, etc. Catching insects and examining them ).
 Visit to local farmers who use the flow of the White Drin.
 Performance in the center of the city (theatrical awareness game for elementary school students Lidhga e Prizren) for Drini e Bardhë.

11:00 – 12:30 West Gate
 Tour of students by bicycle (from “Korzo” to Sharra Km 3) and return to the “Korzo” center; the sharing of acknowledgments by MajlindaKelmendi.
12:00 – 14:30 West Gate
 Bike ride (from “Korzo”, Green Path to Sharra Km 3) and return to “Korzo”

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