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“Foleja e Zanave”, a gastronomy business led by women, is added to Peja

A restaurant with traditional food, which is managed by women, has been added to the gastronomy sector in Peja. Named “Fairy’s Nest”, the restaurant offers various foods prepared by the women and young girls themselves.

The opening of this business creates capacity development opportunities for small businesses and new jobs for disadvantaged communities such as youth, women, persons with disabilities and those from minority ethnic groups.

“Thanks to the support from Syri i Vizioni, the associates of this organization as well as the EU funds, my idea and goal to open a business with traditional foods prepared by the women themselves, will not only affect self-employment but also economic empowerment of women, especially for those from rural areas,” said Shemsije Seferi – owner of this business.

This restaurant was opened through the component of grants for start-ups, within the program “Empowerment and employment of young people, women and other groups in need in five municipalities of Kosovo”. Supported by European Union funds, the program is implemented by Syri i Vizioni in partnership with the organization “The Balkan Forum” as well as the Municipality of Istog, in the municipalities of Pejë, Klinë, Deçan, Junik and Istog.


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