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Kosovo follows the example of Sweden in the legislation for the protection of children

Kosovo follows the example of Sweden in the legislation for the protection of children

Stockholm, December 14 – A delegation from Kosovo headed by the Parliamentary Group for Gender Equality, Human Rights, Missing Persons and Petitions, the Advisor to the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, the civil society organizations Syri i Vizioni and Rograek, supported by Save the Children office in Kosovo, are conducting a study visit to Sweden to familiarize themselves with the legislation of this country in the field of child protection.
During the study visit, there will be working meetings with the Save the Children organization in Sweden, where the law and the punitive measures that the Swedish legislation has in the prohibition of violence and corporal punishment against children will be known, as Kosovo is drafting the Child Protection Law that will protect children from physical violence and corporal punishment thus influencing the improvement of the situation of children and protecting them in any environment. Eye of the Vision and Save the Children have offered their support in this process with some recommendations and additions to the draft law so that it is clear on some points, especially those related to corporal punishment, etc.
During this one-week visit, the delegation from Kosovo will also have meetings with the secretary of the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, the Ombudsman, the University of Stockholm, the Faculty of Law and the Center for Children’s Rights, as well as visit several centers shelter for the protection of children.
Following the study visit, the delegation was also hosted by the Embassy of Kosovo in Sweden, where Ambassador Ilir Dugolli informed the delegation about the work of this embassy and the services it offers to its compatriots.
This visit is made possible by Save the Children Kosovo office and Save the Children in Sweden.


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