Think Globally,
Act Locally

Pejë, 01 August – In the meeting of the local coordinating group for career guidance held on 1 August 2018 in the offices of the director of DKA Pejë, the following participated: the Municipal Directorate of Education, the Employment Office, the Professional Skills Center, the school directors March 8, Xhemajl Kada, Dardania, September 7 – Vitomrica, Haxhi Zeka Zahaq, QB Xheladin Deda, five teachers and two people from Syri i Vizioni, who have dealt with the development of career guidance in the municipality of Peja.
In the meeting, the SiV reported on the progress of the meetings at the Kosovo level of the school-parent cooperation strategy for career guidance, including Peja, where meetings were held with parents at the Lidhja e Prizren school, which is being piloted, and additional meetings at the Dardania school .

Based on the information collected within the local group from the schools, we have created a brief overview of the development of career guidance in the municipality of Peja together with some findings on the implementation of the subject in schools, for which a summary report with findings has also been drawn up. In the absence of a standard reporting instrument, information is distributed in different forms. In this meeting, the ProKarriera project provided a reporting tool that we created during the project, and the report for the next meeting in September will be more structured.

With the directors of the schools Tete marsi, Xhemajl Kada, Dardania, September 7 – Vitomirica, Haxhi Zeka Zahaq, it was discussed how to find ways to attract parents to the meetings that will be organized from September in schools within the framework of the ProCareer Project with support from Solidar Suisse.


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