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Meeting with the management council for the empowerment and operation of the complaint box

Prizren-March 22- Syri i Vizioni in partnership with Save the Children held a meeting with the management council of the primary and lower secondary school “Haziz Tola” in Prizren, where they discussed the creation of a commission to open the complaints box and its administration.
The governing council has welcomed the idea of ​​creating a committee within the school, which will administer the complaint box and assist the school governing council in handling complaints from the complaint box.
The council for administration of the complaint box will have a composition of six people, two will be representatives of teachers, one chosen by the governing council and the other by the students themselves, two representatives of children and two parents.
The committee will open the box every month and will draw up a written report on the results of the box, this report will be submitted to the governing council and the school director together with the letters inserted in this box. There will also be a public announcement for the children after each opening of the box so that the children have feedback about what happened with their complaints or the issues they have addressed through the complaint box.
Such working meetings with the school management councils will also be held with other schools such as “Ramiz Sadiku” and “Xhemail Kada” in Pejë, “Zekeria Rexha” and “Mustafa Bakija” in Gjakovë, “Ismail Qemali” and “Naim Frasheri” in Prishtina, “Bedri Gjinaj” and “Andon Zako Çajupi” in Mitrovica”, “Tefik Çanga” and “Jeronim de Rada” in Ferizaj, “Selami Hallaqi” and “Thimi Mitko” in Gjilan as well as in the school “Ibrahim Fehmiu” in Prizren.
This meeting was organized within the project “Together for children’s rights”, implemented by the NGO Syri i Vizioni in partnership with Save the Children in several municipalities of Kosovo.


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