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Act Locally

Monitoring the implementation of career counseling in the schools of the municipality of Klina

Implemented until now as an optional subject in the lower secondary schools of the region, career counseling from September next year is a mandatory part of the curriculum in schools where the new curriculum is implemented starting from grades 6. One year after the training and certification of to the teachers of Klina for career counseling, Syri i Vizoni has developed an activity in which it has discussed the achievements and challenges in the implementation of this subject in the schools of the municipality of Klina. The successes and difficulties that have been present in the one-year work in some of the schools of Klina that implement this subject have been discussed. Of course, for schools that start career counseling from September of this year, appropriate instructions have been given for the allocation of hours and the design of the curriculum.
Syri i Vizioni with the support of Solidar Suisse in the past six years has trained teachers in the schools of six municipalities in the region and is committed to the inclusion of career counseling in the schools of these municipalities, within the project that aims to help young people to adapt and find themselves in the labor market as well as possible.

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