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“Naim Frashëri” primary and lower secondary school with code of conduct

Pristina November 24 – The non-governmental organization Syri i Vizioni in partnership with the organization Save the Children have helped the primary and lower secondary school “Naim Frashëri” in Pristina, in drafting the Code of Conduct, this code will help the school in strengthening the mechanisms for the protection and respect of children’s rights in this school.
The code of conduct was drawn up in cooperation with the school’s governing council and in coordination with the Directorate of Education in the Municipality of Pristina. According to the school management and parents, this code will help the school in strengthening the mechanisms for the protection and respect of children’s rights, at the same time, according to them, it will also influence the raising of children’s awareness, that in addition to rights, they have obligations and responsibility.
While the children attending this school have expressed their conviction that this code, in addition to making them aware of their rights, obligations and responsibilities, will also affect teachers since the code also prohibits some actions of teachers, such as the use of physical and psychological violence, discrimination, harassment, etc.
Such a code is also being drafted for the primary and lower secondary school “Ismail Qemali” in Pristina. The drafting of codes of conduct for these schools is part of the work and many activities that the non-governmental organization Syri i Vizioni in partnership with the Save the Children organization are carrying out in primary and lower secondary schools in the municipalities of Pejë, Gjakovë, Ferizaj, Mitrovica and Prishtina, within the program “Together for the rights and protection of children”.


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