Think Globally,
Act Locally

Prishtina, August 29, 2013 – The Eye of Vision organization (SiV) in cooperation with the Initiative for the Development of Agriculture in Kosovo (IADK) has held a regional workshop with the farmers of Pristina, in which various topics of importance for the agricultural sector were discussed. in this region and recommendations were given regarding the work of BSHBK in the future. 52 participants took part in this workshop in Prishtina, including representatives from local institutions from the municipalities of Pristina, Obiliq, Fushë Kosovë, Drenas, Lipjan, and Podujevë, farmers’ associations and individual farmers. The sectors represented were the sectors of vegetables, production and processing of milk, production of mutton and chicken, beekeeping, horticulture, etc.

Syri i Vizioni in cooperation with IADK is in the process of implementing the project financed by the European Union “Strengthening the capacity of civil society for policy-making and consultation with the Government in the agricultural sector”, which aims to contribute to the strengthening and raising of capacities of the Union of Agricultural Associations of Kosovo (BSHBK).

Within this project, during the year, workshops were also held in the regions of Peja, Mitrovica, Prizren, and Gjilan, which were concluded with the last workshop in the region of Pristina.
With the completion of these workshops in the five regions of Kosovo, a central conference will be organized, where various actors operating in the agricultural sector will be invited, including local and central institutions, local and international organizations, as well as representatives of BSHBK, where the findings from the 5 held workshops will be presented and we will address the recommendations for BSHBK, to lobby for their addressing in relevant institutions.

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