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Save the Children and Syri i Vizioni inaugurated the exhibition dedicated to World Children’s Day

Pristina, November 20, 2020: On the occasion of marking World Children’s Day – November 20, Save the Children and Syri i Vizioni organizations with the support of the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA), inaugurated the temporary exhibition dedicated to this day at the NEWBORN monument . On this occasion, in this monument, the children unfolded messages such as “I WANT TO BE BORN AND GROW UP IN A WORLD WHERE I HAVE RIGHTS… to be alive, to quality education, healthcare… in a world where I have the right to life, to quality education, health care…), FREE OF COVID and other rights included in the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

The disclosure of these messages was made by children from the monitoring groups ‘Respect Our Rights’ and ‘Hëna’, where on this occasion the member of this group, Yll Kosumi, said: “In a symbolic way, we wanted to mark November 20. This day is a special day for us because the Convention on the Rights of the Child contains all the laws that protect children. The year 2020 has been a prosperous year for us, since the passage of the Child Protection Law has taken place, which we He was very happy. Today we launched the ‘I do not use violence’ campaign which aims to send the message that violence is never an option”.

Meanwhile, the local director of Save the Children in Kosovo, Ahmet Kryeziu, said: “Let me take this opportunity to congratulate the children on the International Day of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. This is a day where we intend to promote the rights of the child and invite especially the institutions to invest more and respect the rights of the child. Considering the pandemic and the problems we are facing, we think it is an important moment for everyone to contribute and commit more to the realization of children’s rights”.

The representative of the Office of the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Habit Hajredini, also participated in this inauguration, who stated: “Today we are launching a joint campaign of the institutions of Kosovo together with Save the Children and Syrin e Vizioni, which aims to raise citizens’ awareness of child protection. It is an institutional obligation to work on child protection and the implementation of the Child Protection Law. We call for institutional coordination and greater cooperation between institutions and civil society in commitment to the implementation of the Child Protection Law.”

In the framework of this activity, Save the Children, Syri i Vizioni as well as the children of the advocacy groups ‘Respect Our Rights’ and ‘Hëna’ launched the campaign I AM WITHOUT VIOLENCE, which aims to raise awareness of the effects and impact of violence on children. . On this occasion, a promotional video was also launched – part of this campaign. This comes after numerous disturbing reports of rising cases of domestic violence during the COVID-19 pandemic. Also, during the same day, an online meeting of children will be held with the Parliamentary Committee for Education, where the report on the impact of COVID-19 on children’s education will be presented.

These activities are part of the ‘Grow up with Love’ campaign, which is implemented by Save the Children in collaboration with Syrin e Vizioni and funded by the Swedish International Cooperation Agency. The campaign aims to raise awareness of the importance of respecting children’s rights in Kosovo based on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.


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