Think Globally,
Act Locally

The Alliance for Active Citizenship meets for the organization and operation of local councils

Prishtina – May 13 – Alliance for Active Citizens held a meeting regarding the organization and functioning of local councils at the municipality level according to Administrative Instruction No. 02/2019 for the organization, functioning and cooperation of municipalities with villages, settlements and urban neighborhoods.

The purpose of this meeting was to coordinate joint actions with the 19 municipal directorates of the administration where the project is located and the Ministry of Local Government Administration for the completion and amendment of municipal regulations, the election and functioning of local councils and the planning of budget funds for the compensation of the mayors. advice.

It emerged from the meeting that the municipalities are in the process of supplementing-amending and approving the municipal regulations in accordance with the Administrative Instruction as well as organizing the election processes for the election of local councils. Also, it was said that this is a very important mechanism for municipalities which influences and helps in better, transparent and closer communication with citizens.

This working meeting was organized by the non-governmental organization Syri i Vizioni within the Alliance for Active Citizens and in coordination with the Ministry of Local Government Administration. It is part of the program “Active citizen and responsible municipality in Kosovo” which is implemented by Syri i Zizioni, Communication For Social Development, EC Ma Ndryshe and Democracy Plus who have formed an alliance for the implementation of this program which is financially supported by Olof Palme International Center.


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