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The chairpersons of the local council of Gurrakoc are trained in Advocacy

The chairpersons of the local council of Gurrakoc are trained in Advocacy

Istog-June 15- The non-governmental organization “Syri i Vizioni” continues to increase the capacities of the village heads of the local council of Gurrakoc by offering them professional training in the field of Advocacy, so that they have knowledge of how to advocate to the institutions in the solution of the problems they face.

The heads of the villages that make up the local council of Gurrakoc: Tomoc, Llukavc i Thatë, Kovragë and Gurrakoc have expressed many dissatisfactions that no investment is being made in the field of agriculture, especially in the irrigation system of agricultural lands, despite the requests and projects that they have addressed to municipal and central institutions. During the training, they have learned how to advocate for their projects or the problems they face. In the additional training, they will learn to draft project proposals, so that they have the opportunity to write project proposals for institutions or donors.

These activities are part of the “Active Citizenship” project that the Eye of Vision organization has been implementing for two years in the municipalities of the region of Peja and Prizren and is supported by Olof Plame Center International and SIDA.


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