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The children’s group for Monitoring the International Convention on Children’s Rights is created

Pristina, May 30 – Non-governmental organizations in partnership with Save the Children have created the children’s group to monitor the implementation of the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, which for the first time in Kosovo will issue a state-level report on the implementation of of this convention in Kosovo.
The created group consists of 24 children, aged 14-16 years, from all over Kosovo, from all communities, including children with disabilities. These children will be taught how to monitor the implementation of their rights guaranteed by local and international laws in Kosovo.
Children as monitors of their rights will monitor through questionnaires and field research, interviewing children of different ages in schools, streets, neighborhoods and villages, to include all layers of children in the research.
Also, this group of children with the support of Syrit Vizioni and Save the Children will also have various visits to the countries of the region where they will meet with their peers to learn about their experiences of how they monitor their rights in the countries of the region.
In December of this year, the group of children will publish the research report on the findings of how the convention for their rights has been implemented in our country, this report will be submitted to all institutions at the central level.
The creation of the children’s group for monitoring the implementation of their rights and the international Convention on their rights was created within the program “Together for Children’s Rights – Monitoring of the Convention on Children’s Rights” that Eye of Vision in partnership Save the Children are doing it in Kosovo.

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