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The civil society organizations have submitted to the head of the EU Office in Pristina, Samuel Zhbogar, the petition with signatures of citizens for visa liberalization

Pristina, September 15 – The petition for one month has been signed by nearly 55 thousand citizens, who have sent a message to the EU that they are not satisfied that they are isolated and are outside the visa liberalization.
Zhbogar expressed his happiness that he accepted this petition, which he said he will deliver to the EU institutions.
“There are several messages that this petition carries. The first is the frustration that citizens express because they are the only ones outside this process and their isolation. I have heard from many Kosovars how they lost good cultural and sports opportunities precisely because of the visas. We understand this and the message I want to give is that there is hope and light at the end of the tunnel for this process”, said Zhbogar.
He added that the Commission will come out with a report this fall and there will be more understanding of where Kosovo is with this process.
civil society has requested that Brussels and Prishtina do more for liberalization.
The citizens’ petition has also been submitted to the Minister of European Integration, Bekim Çollaku.
Syri i Vizioni, as part of this group of NGOs, had the responsibility and organization of the campaign in the municipalities of the Peja region.

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