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Act Locally

The draft municipal regulation for the establishment and structuring of the Children’s Municipal Assembly is reviewed

In the committees for politics and finance of the municipalities of Peja, Gjakova, Klina, Mitrovica and Ferizaj, the draft municipal regulation for the establishment and structuring of the Children’s Municipal Assembly was reviewed and approved for proceeding in the respective Municipal Assemblies.

This regulation will be an item on the agenda for discussion and approval at the regular meetings of the municipal assemblies, which are held in the last week of February. It will then be put to public discussion. According to the legal procedures, after the public discussion, the regulation in question will be sent again to the next meetings of the Municipal Assemblies, which will be held in the last week of March, and will be approved.

Peja, Gjakova, Klina, Mitrovica and Ferizaj will be the first municipalities in Kosovo that will adopt such a regulation, thus giving the Municipal Children’s Assembly a legal basis and thus obliging the municipal institutions to support this structure of the organization of children in municipal level.

Such regulations will also be processed in the municipality of Pristina, Prizren and Gjilan.
The regulation for the establishment and structuring of the Children’s Municipal Assembly is sponsored by the Eye of Vision organization in partnership with Save the Children, Office in Kosovo, within the framework of the thematic program “Our Obligation to the Future – Protection of Children and Governance of Children’s Rights “.

For several years now, Syri i Vizioni in partnership with Save the Children have been working on strengthening Municipal Assemblies of Children and institutions for providing professional and quality services for children and governance with their rights with direct participation of children in the design and the implementation of local and national policies.


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