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The eye of the vision has initiated the change of municipal regulations in four municipalities

The eye of the vision has initiated the change of municipal regulations in four municipalities

Eight municipal regulations have been initiated for change to complete aspects of gender equality in the municipalities of Pejë, Istog, Deçan and Junik, while Syri i Vizioni and women assemblymen have submitted these recommendations for change to the chairmen of the Assemblies

Pejë 01 March 2017- Syri i Vizoni has officially submitted to four municipalities the report with recommendations for changing the municipal regulations in four municipalities. The leaders of the assemblies of these municipalities of Dukagjin, received on Thursday a package with recommendations and requests for the change of some municipal regulations in terms of gender equality. The report drawn up by experts with recommendations from the women assemblymen of Pejë, Istog, Deçan and Junik municipalities has been prepared within the framework of the Women’s Support Project that is implemented by Eye of Vision with support from USIAD/ATRC and this report envisages the change in eight municipal regulations in these four municipalities. Together with the assembly women elected in these assemblies, with the gender equality offices, issues such as the composition of the commissions, the inclusion of women in leadership positions, their support and advancement in the economy, subsidies, scholarships, etc. and the creation of opportunities for involvement in politics starting from the local level, which are the main requirements in these recommendations.
The presidents of the assemblies in these four municipalities, present at this meeting, have promised that they will commit to push forward these changes in the local legislation. Islam Husaj, chairman of the Municipal Council of Peja, has said that in the Municipality of Peja, the regulation on subsidies and scholarships has already been changed, while the change of the statute is in the process, which is intended to include changes that favor women in the executive and in all commissions at the municipal level. Whereas Hazbi Bajra, chairman of the KK of Istog, Jashar Dobraj, chairman of the KK of Deçan and Faik Tofaj, chairman of the KK of Juinik have said that in their municipalities the demands of women assemblymen and Eye of the Vision have already been approved in the assemblies and are awaiting approval during March and April.
“The changes are happening simultaneously in four municipalities and we have created a positive environment for the changes that will lead to the improvement of the position of women, creating more opportunities and promoting support for gender equality. The changes in these eight municipal regulations will bring results that will change the lives of women. They have already included their municipalities and assemblies in a positive promotional campaign in search of better opportunities for women,” says Enver Ulaj, project manager from the NGO Syri i Vizioni.
The changes mainly concern the regulations for subsidies, transparency, social housing, scholarships, local councils, participation in decision-making, etc. The recommendations are based on the new law on gender equality, EU directives and positive experiences, while the municipalities have received recommendations on sensitive language in local legislation, gender integration in decision-making in all phases from planning to implementation, the sharing of gender statistics and for special affirmative measures.

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