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The guidelines for opening complaint boxes in schools are discussed with the school principals of Peja

Pejë, August 30 – In the meeting with the principals of lower secondary and upper secondary schools, the handbook “Guidelines for opening Complaint Boxes in primary, lower secondary and upper secondary schools” was distributed. The activity carried out in cooperation with the Municipal Director of Education in Peja, aims to help and facilitate the implementation of the Municipal Regulation on the complaints box in schools.

In addition to the distribution of the handbook, by the staff of SiV and the DKA, the school principals were once again informed about the procedures for administering the box as well as the monitoring that will be done this year by the SiV in cooperation with the DKA. This monitoring will be done within the framework of the thematic program in the field of child protection and governance with children’s rights “Our Obligation to the Future – Protection of Children and Governance of Children’s Rights”, which is implemented by the Eye of Vision organization , in partnership with Save the Children, office in Kosovo.


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