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The mayor of Mitrovica, Agim Bahtiri, talks to children about the issues of violence in schools

Mitrovica, October 23- As part of the “Week against violence against children” campaign, the non-governmental organization Syri i Vizioni from Peja, in partnership with the organization Save the Children, organized a public debate between the mayor of the municipality of Mitrovica Agim Bahtiri and the children of this municipality, where the only debate was: “What has the municipality of Mitrovica done or what should be done in protecting children from violence and improving their situation”.

The mayor of this municipality said that the Municipality and he himself is to “bring professional teachers to schools to increase the quality of education and working conditions. We will never allow anyone to use violence against you, because you are the future of this country, who will work and govern the people better than we who are in positions today”.

Also, he asked the children not to hesitate to contact him and his office when they are being abused, or when they are aware of someone abusing other children. He said that the state should do more to improve the position of children and congratulated the organizations Syri i Vizioni and Save the Children for the work they are doing to improve the position of children, and for the help they are providing to the institutions in this municipality.

And on the other hand, the children, after thanking the mayor and the organizations for such a debate with the mayor of the municipality, have asked the mayor of the municipality of Mitrovica to complete the school cabinets with the necessary assets and to help the children of families with social assistance, and especially those of the Roma, Egyptian and Ashkali communities.

Mayor Bahtiri and director of education Pajazit Hajzeri have pledged that all schools in this municipality will provide better conditions for children, and will never allow violence, discrimination or any other phenomenon that violates or denies the rights of children to find a place in School.

“Javaagainst violence” was organized within the project “Together for children’s rights”, implemented by the NGO Syri i Vizioni in partnership with Save the Children in several municipalities of Kosovo.

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