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The national conference “What the state should do to protect children” is held

Pristina, October 23 – Organized by Syri i Vizioni and with the support of Save the Children, the national conference “What the state should do to protect children” was held. Present at the table were representatives from the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, the Ministry of of Justice, the People’s Advocate, the Center for Work and Social Welfare, the Kosovo Police, the Kosovo Probation Service, organizations for the protection of children and the media, have discussed the best coordination of all structures in order to have joint action and versatile in child protection.
The conference was held as part of the “Week against violence against children”, which started from: October 19-25, 2014 by the non-governmental organization Syri i Vizioni from Peja in partnership with the organization Save the Children. Activities within this week aim to attract attention and raise awareness about the situation of children in Kosovo and the protection of their rights.


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