Think Globally,
Act Locally

The workshop is held with the chairmen of local councils -Peja for the drafting of documents in official form

Pejë July 24 – The NGO “Syri i Vizioni” against the “Active Citizenship” project, held a workshop on the topic “Drafting documents in official form”, with the heads of local councils and municipal officials.
The purpose of this workshop was to provide information to the presidents of the local councils as newly elected representatives, how to draft documents in an official form, so that they are acceptable and easily accessible to the institutions.
During the workshop, many issues and problems that they face as heads of local communities have also come up, and it has been discussed about the official forms of documents and the steps that should be taken to approach the problems.

The “Active Citizenship” project during this year will continue to carry out other activities with the heads of local councils and other actors who are part of the program, which is carried out by the organization Syri i Vizioni in the municipalities of the region of Peja and Prizren with the support of Olof Plame Center International and AIDS.


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