Think Globally,
Act Locally

Pejë, April 4 – The Non-Governmental Organization Syri i Vizioni held the workshop “Priorities of problems of local councils” which was aimed at the prioritization of problems by the representatives of local councils and the women members of these councils, which was organized within the project for the development of active citizenship in Kosovo.

During this workshop, many concerns of the community were discussed, such as: drinking water, sewage, water for irrigation of agricultural lands, asphalting of roads, electricity network, urban planning in touristic places, tourism and cultural promotion center, etc. . In this workshop, the problems of the councils were identified and the justification of the importance of the priority problem, which will then be presented to the institutions.

The workshop was organized within the “Active Citizenship” program, which has been implemented for several years by the NGO “Syri i Vizioni” with support from the Olof Palme International Center and SIDA and is focused on the municipalities of the regions of Peja and Prizren.


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