Think Globally,
Act Locally

The performance and efficiency of the local councils of Peja are analyzed

Pejë, November 6- The organization “Syri i Vizioni” held meetings with the heads of local councils in Pejë.

The purpose of the meeting was to better analyze the work of these councils and propose measures and recommendations to increase their performance and efficiency.

This was done through a questionnaire and a plenary discussion with all the participants and the answers were obtained by consensus for the recommendations related to capacity building.

The meeting took place within the project “Active citizen and responsible municipality in Kosovo”, which is implemented by Syri i Vizioni in partnership with Communication For Social Development, EC Ma Ndryshe and Democracy Plus, which have formed an alliance for this program, which is financially supported by Olof Palme International Center. The program aims at the widest possible inclusion and participation of citizens in decision-making.


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