Think Globally,
Act Locally

Deçan, September 18 – The non-governmental organization Syri i Vizioni has started supporting the initiative of assembly women and the informal group of women in the municipality of Deçan, which aims to raise awareness among the population about primary health and disease prevention.

Initially, trainings are being held with women from rural areas on the topic of primary health and disease prevention. Also during the training, the problems they encounter during treatment were discussed, and they were informed about the services they can get for free and how attention should be paid to primary health.

Also, to raise awareness and achieve the goal of the campaign on primary health and disease prevention, brochures were printed with information on primary health and the symptoms of diseases faced by women.

Where projects are aimed at educating and raising the awareness of women in rural and urban areas about primary health and disease prevention, this project was initiated by the assembly women themselves in the municipality of Deçan and is supported by the NGO Syri i Vizioni, within the framework of “Active Citizenship” program financially supported by Olaf Palme International Center and SIDA.

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